Bodybloomer feels deeply about nature and health, that’s why our products are cruelty free, organic and handmade. Not only do we give you a high-quality product, but we also give you the chance to donate to the Amazon watch fund. We understand that people do not always have the finances to donate and that’s why we decided to donate 30% of the profit in your name. You get to enjoy our product while giving back.

In 2020 Brazil suffered one of the biggest forest fires ever and it ruined our precious Amazon Rainforest. These fires have been happening since 2010 and we can’t stop the fires from happening, but we can stand with the people who live in that area and our beautiful ecosystem. So, to help these unfortunate people and protect the rainforest we will donate 30% of our profit to the Amazon watch. The reason we choose the Amazon defenders fund is because they have mobilized recourses to address their Amazonian partners priorities since 2006. The ADF built upon a multi-decade track record as a trusted partner among Indigenous nations and local organizations and guided by the principles and cosmology of Indigenous peoples. These principles are interconnectedness, relationality, and reciprocity, and are the ways in which Indigenous peoples trace their ancestral relationships to the environment, the cosmos, and to one another. The good and trustworthy reputation that the Amazon watch has made the choice to donate the profit that Body Bloomer makes to them very clear. We want to give back and so should you while loving yourself

